Alright, mamas. We are officially in the thick of the summer. The heat is at a level of insanity – you can’t walk out your front door without being covered in a water blanket, gasping for air.
And if we feel the heat this intensely, imagine how our little ones feel it. They can’t regulate their temperature or tell us that they are hot – this is where it can get a little dangerous. So, you might be thinking, like all the other moms in the heat right now, “I’m just going to stay at home. It’s not worth getting out in the heat.”
You are so right. Especially with a little one, you’ve gotta do indoor activities right now. And that can make us feel a little cooped up, yeah? Day in, day out, just chillin’ at home.
Here are a few of my ideas for things that you can do in the house with the little ones. Some of them are catered towards a mom who has an infant, while others are meant for moms with toddlers. Either way, finding ways to pass the day without needing to go outside is crucial right now.
Find a new audiobook – spend time with your baby while listening to a new book! You can join a subscription service for audiobooks like Audible or Scribed, or you can join your local library and rent books from them virtually!
Binge-watch a show – take a day to watch some good ol’ television. Let that mom guilt go and pick your favorite show and just chill. You have nowhere to be except right there with your baby, so it’s okay!
Work on a baby book – take some time to write down your birth story or print some pictures to put into a photo album. I think baby books are going out of style, but I will tell you, my older boys are obsessed with theirs (and trust me, they aren’t fancy). There are some cool apps (Queepsake, The Short Years) where you can upload pictures and information and they make the book for you!
Dance with your baby – put on those jams and get up and dance! You could put your baby in a carrier or wrap and sway to the tunes – this is also a great way to get them to take a nap!
Read to your baby – pull out a good book and read out loud to your little one. Hearing your voice is important in their development, and reading to them will soothe them as well!
Involve them in the kitchen – this can be as simple as having them try to peel an orange. You can get something productive done while they play in the kitchen with you. One of my hacks was keeping empty spice containers and filling them with flour or water and letting my boys “make” a soup.
Build a fort – We’ve all built a fort at some point in our lives – and little ones LOVE crawling into a fort. You can even pitch a tent in your house if you have a small one! Bring in toys, snacks, and anything to keep the little ones busy and happy. And you can even get some time to lay down and rest!
Take a bath – My mom used to always tell me to put the kids in the bath if we were struggling. And it’s magic. If you are feeling cooped up and not sure what to do, a bath in the middle of the day is guaranteed to make everyone feel better.
Facetime a friend or family member – connecting with other people is important when you are stuck at home all day. Your little one will love saying hello through the phone, and you will get a chance to see another adult!
Take a trip to the library, indoor play place, or store – be sure to cool your car off before getting in, and take that drive to your favorite local spot. We loved visiting the library to play with their toys, going to the local play places like Outslide In, the Children’s Museum, and Busy Bee, and also visiting our favorite store to browse the aisles.
It’s important to stay connected and motivated even when the heat defeats us. Try to get some fresh air in the early morning before it gets too hot, and remember to stay hydrated. This heat might be putting a damper on some of our activities, but it doesn’t stop us from connecting with one another!