What does it mean to be mindful?

We all know what it is like to have a full mind, right? As moms, we are juggling a million thoughts in our minds every day. Our minds are in overdrive.

But think about what it means to be mindful. Being mindful, by definition, means focusing your attention on the present moment. Not the past, not the future. Just the here and now.

Being mindful can help your brain learn how to regulate your emotions, decreasing anxiety and depression. We are training our mind to turn off from the hustle and bustle and focus on one aspect of the present.

What are some strategies we can use to be mindful?

No, I’m not talking about a spa day (although that would be wonderful, yeah?). I am talking about the everyday, “I don’t have time for anything” types of ways we can take care of our mind.

Here is a short list of my favorite things that you can do at home.

I call them “The Four S’s”


Take some time to listen. Turn on your favorite music, or really listen to the sounds of your child, or the birds chirping.


Like I mentioned last week, get that sunshine! Even just for a few minutes, go outside and breath in the fresh air.


Yep, drink water. Or hot tea. Or anything that you enjoy. As long as you are mindful of taste on your tongue, it counts!


(This is my favorite.) Light a candle or some incense. Put on your favorite lotion.

Take even 20 seconds each day to do some of these things, and those seconds will add up to minutes. Before you know it, you will have done a few hours of mindfulness each week. And that’s big, mama.

Write these down, along with some others that you can think of. Having a list that you can refer to on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror helps.

Share with us some of your favorite ways to take a few seconds for yourself!

And remember, we are here for you!

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