Using affirmations everyday is a simple way to give yourself a little encouragement. A little support from within.

There are endless affirmations, but I want you to pick one this week that speaks to you.

Write it down and post is somewhere that you see often. Your refrigerator, your bedside table, or even your phone background.

The more you repeat this affirmation to yourself, the more your mind will believe that it’s true.

Here are some of my favorites that you can choose from:

1. I Am Enough
2. I have everything I need to be the best mother to my baby.
3. I am doing my best.
4. I trust my maternal intuition.
5. It’s okay to ask for help.
6. The difficulties I am facing now will not last forever.
7. I am capable of amazing things.
8. I am not “just” a mom.
9. I will stay calm, even in the midst of chaos.
10. I am strong and loved.

Take any of the affirmations and repeat them to yourself all week. Remember that you are not alone and that we are here to support you, mama!

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