“The only constant thing in life is change.”
This statement is so true in life, especially in motherhood. It seems like once you get the hang of something, it all changes and you have to start fresh.
Or even more salient is the fact that we are constantly looking towards the future for our little ones – when are they going to roll over, when are they going to start crawling, when do we start introducing solids. With all of these changes and transitions can come lots of anxiety.
You might be worried about your baby rolling over in the middle of the night onto their belly. You might be worried about them falling back while they are learning to sit up on their own. The list could go on and on, and our worries and anxieties can sometimes take over.
I know, even as a mom of older children now, that I still worry about their next “step” in life. It’s something we can all relate to.
So, how do we manage these stressors?
Here are 5 ways that I think are helpful for managing stress about milestones.
What Is vs What If
Be in the moment – easier said than done. But really try to remind yourself that you are right here, right now. Try to think of “what is” instead of “what if”. Instead of thinking “what if my baby gets hurt”, think “my baby is safe right now, and that’s what matters.”
Accept your worry as helpful
When we try to push our worries away and not acknowledge them, they actually get stronger. This is called the struggle switch. So, next time you find yourself having those anxious thoughts, thank your mind for warning you about potential mishaps, and let those worries float away like a cloud. They may come back, and that’s okay. Just remind yourself that you are doing your best and worrying can be a helpful thing.
Put Dr. Google away
We are all guilty of using Dr. Google. You know, when you are worried about your little one and you google symptoms or questions, and you get all the information, good and bad. Well, try to avoid this. Of course we can use google to help gather information, but when you find yourself going down that rabbit hole, reel yourself out and come back to What Is.
Talk to someone
Talk to anyone. You could call your pediatrician, ask your family, or text a friend or acquaintance if you have concerns about milestones. Sometimes getting another person’s opinion can help reduce some stress that we are feeling.
Get your body moving
When we get out of our mind and into our body, we give our mind some space to be calm and worry free. So pack up the baby in the stroller and go for a walk or turn on your favorite yoga instructions and roll out your mat. Ground yourself in your physical activity.
We all have worries about milestones, but knowing how to manage these worries is important. When you feel like these worries are intervening in your life and keeping you from your daily tasks, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone. We are here for you, mama.