Embracing Intentions Over Resolutions

Anyone else start to panic when they hear the question, “So, what’s your resolution this year?” Maybe you respond with, “Well I don’t really like resolutions, I’m more of a goal setter.” We’ve all been there – racking our brain for something we can strive for in the new year, something we can be better at. But, what if this new year you decide it doesn’t need to be about doing more or pushing harder. What if instead, you focus on what you really need, and simply give yourself permission to move through the year without pressure.

Mama, let’s make this new year about honoring yourself. Honoring your mental health. Honoring the season of life you’re in. Honoring the incredible work you’re already doing as a mom.

Let’s Start with How You’re Feeling

Before we set any intentions, take a moment to pause and check in with yourself.

Are you tired? What’s one thing you could let go of this year to make space for rest?

Are you hopeful? How can you nurture that hope and turn it into small, meaningful actions?

A Gentle Invitation

This year, we invite you to start small. Instead of a resolution, try setting a simple intention—one that feels achievable and rooted in care. For example:

“I will give myself grace when things don’t go as planned.”

“I will carve out five minutes a day to breathe, journal, or simply be.”

“I will focus on connection with my family over perfection in my home.”

These aren’t goals to check off; they’re gentle reminders to carry with you.

You’re Not Alone

As we talked about last year, self-compassion is the greatest gift you can give yourself. And as the year unfolds, know that we’re here. Whether it’s through support groups, resources, or simple reminders like this.

Let’s take the new year one gentle step at a time.

What’s Happening for Moms

There are so many amazing groups and events in the Charleston community for new mamas, and we’ll be using this section to share about upcoming events or groups. If you have something to share, send us an email to info@ppdsupport.org.


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