From Comparison to Confidence: 6 Ways to Embrace Your Unique Parenting Journey
“I wish I were more like her.” “I wish my baby was easier, like her baby.” “If only my marriage was as strong as theirs.” “I wish I didn’t have to take medication to feel stable.” We all know these phrases. The all-too-familiar comparison trap. Comparing ourselves to...
The Four S’s: Creating Moments of Calm and Connection in Your Overwhelming Life
What does it mean to be mindful? We all know what it is like to have a full mind, right? As moms, we are juggling a million thoughts in our minds every day. Our minds are in overdrive. But think about what it means to be mindful. Being mindful, by definition, means...
It’s Okay to Ask for Help: 5 Tips for Talking to Loved Ones About Your Mental Health
To friends and family, you may look like you are doing better than you feel. You may appear as though you are transitioning into motherhood well but on the inside you are anxious, depressed, overwhelmed and/or full of worry and regret. You may be questioning your...
Building Secure Attachments with your Child: 4 Tips from a Therapist
Learning how to parent our children comes with so many hesitations, hickups and mishaps. We aren’t perfect, and no one expects us to be – but we are enough. Whether you just had our second baby and are trying to figure out how to manage the older children...