When you think of gardening, what comes to mind?
Dirt. Sun. Colors. Nature. Growth.
You may think of certain things you have tried to garden in the past. Maybe tomatoes, or flowers. Or maybe just some simply house plants that never seem to survive. (We’ve all been there.)
Maybe gardening reminds you of a specific person in your life. Or maybe you equate a certain smell to gardening – that earthy, fresh smell of the sun baking the dirt.
Gardening reminds me of motherhood. Many women in my life love being in the garden, and it makes me think. Is motherhood like gardening?
What are some ways that Gardening = Motherhood.
First off, when I think of a garden, I am reminded of the seasons that transform the garden. From spring, where everything is in full bloom, the bees are buzzing, and the temperature is just right to produce growth. And winter, where everything has died back, the beds are emptied and only the hearty plants are still green.
And just like in the garden, motherhood has seasons. Yes, they look different, but as mothers, we go through phases in our journey. The newborn phase is survival mode – little sleep, around the clock care, constant feeding. Other phases emerge, when baby starts to move more, or eat solids, or even sleep regressions. All of these seasons, just like those in nature – they come and they go.
Remind yourself of that. As we are here in winter, with rainy and cold days, we remind ourselves that spring is coming soon. And just as you are looking forward to spring, also remind yourself that you’re just in a season of motherhood right now – whether good or bad, it will change.
When we think of a plant, there are so many different things you need to know about it. What kind of sun does it need, what kind of watering schedule does it require, and what season do you plant it in? And just like a plant, motherhood is just as individualized. We all need different things to survive.
One mom may need medication, while another mom may need support from her partner. One mother may need social connections while another may need peace and quiet. We are all different, and just as plants, we all thrive with different needs.
A garden needs the basics – water, sun and fertilizer. A mother needs to have her basic needs met, too. Your body has just created and carried a human being, and taking care of it after you have your baby is vital! Nutrition, movement and support. While these may look different for various moms, we all need our basic needs met before we can start to feel like ourselves again.
So next time you are thirsty, hungry, tired, or need a shower, remind yourself that you, just like a plant in nature, NEED those basics met before you can thrive.
When we work in the garden, we are grounding ourselves. Grounding in the sense of bringing ourselves back to nature and connecting with the earth. This may sound a little “woo woo” – but there is actual science behind the electrical currents from the earth and the positive things it brings to your body. Getting your hands in the soil, pulling out weeds, being in the presence of plants – it’s all a way to ground us and bring us back to nature.
Join us in the garden each week with Charleston Park’s Conservancy at Gather & Garden: Mom Edition.
Every Thursday from 10 am – 12 pm – bring a lunch if you want to stay and eat.