You don’t feel like yourself. You’re feeling mentally drained, incapable of getting daily tasks done, and you just don’t know how much longer you can do this.

I know the feeling.

But, where do you even begin? Who do you turn to or what do you do to start feeling better?

This is the hardest part of having a maternal mental illness – the initial step. The first little push you have to give yourself to say, “I’m not well and I need some support.”

You might be feeling all kinds of things that keep you from reaching out – guilt, shame, exhaustion. It’s not easy to admit to ourselves that we are struggling, let alone tell other people.

Here are a few steps that you can follow to know where to begin. There’s no right or wrong way to get well, but these steps can give you a little bit of a guide to know what options there are for you.

  • Reach out to someone to talk about what you are experiencing

    • Postpartum Support Charleston has a warmline that you can call at (843) 410-3585 where you can speak to someone about what you are going through. We also have Mom Mentors that you can be paired with to have some one-on-one continued support.

    • The Maternal Mental Health Hotline is available 24/7, every day of the week. If you need to speak to someone immediately, call 1-833-852-6262.

  • Express your concerns to your loved ones

    • Check out our blog post about how to talk to your loved ones about what you are going through. They care about you and want you to be well.

  • Talk to your OBGYN or primary care doctor

    • Having a discussion with your doctor can be a good starting point when you think you might need some professional help like medication.

  • Set up an appointment with a mental health professional

    • Talking to a therapist is never a bad idea – in fact, I highly suggest it for every mom who is struggling. Talking to a therapist can really help you figure out what’s going on in your mind. Also, seeing a psychiatrist can help when you feel like you want to add medication to your wellness plan. Check out our list of therapist and psychiatrists who specialize in maternal mental health.

  • Find a community of mom friends

    • Motherhood is lonely, but having some friends that you can talk to and you can relate to is a lifesaver. I know it’s not always easy, but reach out into your community to find some friends. A great place to start is our groups where you can meet local moms and feel connected. Check out our blog on making mom friends and finding your community in Charleston.

  • Take care of your basic needs

    • This one might sounds unimportant, but it’s not. You must take care of you in order for you to be strong enough to take care of your baby. Take care of your basic needs – eating, staying hydrated, sleeping, and even hygiene. Once you can manage taking care of your basic needs, then you can focus on some emotional wellness and self-care.

There are other ways to get well, but these are the ones that I think are a great place to start. As mentioned, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need someone to talk to. We can help guide you through this process of getting well so that you can feel better.

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