Have you ever heard of the Wheel of Emotions?
As a lover of all things related to the mind (psychology student, here!), I remember learning about the wheel of emotions in college, but have only recently brought it back into my daily practice.
Ok, weekly practice. I strive for daily, but come on, we are moms. I give myself some grace (and so should you).
Back to the topic, the wheel of emotions is a two-dimensional image that helps us dive deeper and name the specific emotion that we might be feeling. There are lots of different versions, so you can choose one that resonates best with you. I’ve even printed one out to put on my fridge for easy access- I love the way it looks and the kids even like using it!
How do you use the Wheel of Emotions?
First, you start with the basic emotions on the inner circle of the wheel. You might feel anger, fear, surprise, happiness, or sadness to name a few. These primary emotions change according to which wheel you choose to use. Once you’ve picked your primary emotion, you move further and further out into the more specific emotion you are feeling.
Example: this week, I was angry, and then chose “frustration”, and then “annoyance”.
You see how this wheel can really get us to name the exact emotions that we might be feeling?
Okay, but why is this important?
Using the wheel of emotions can really help us get to the root emotion that we are feeling. Often times, we get upset about something but don’t take the time to sit with what we are feeling and name it. This “naming” of the emotion we are feeling can often times provide some relief from the emotion.
The wheel of emotions reminds us to slow down and feel what we feel. Accept our feelings for what they are and know that they are just feelings, and will pass.
And by naming our feelings, sometimes it’s easier to talk to others about how we are feeling. And you know how I feel about talking about how we are feeling. (It’s vital, y’all.)
In the example above, instead of telling my husband I was “angry” at the kids, I was able to tell him I was “annoyed” – makes a big difference!
There’s no right way to use the wheel of emotions. Psychologists often use it in a much more detailed sense, particularly different versions of the wheel. But for our purposes, I just want you to understand that YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID.
Whatever you are feeling, feel it.
Know that you are supported. You aren’t alone.