May is the month for Moms.

Most widely known, it’s the month of Mother’s Day where we shower their mothers with love and appreciation.

But in my mind, more importantly, it’s Maternal Mental Health Month! Postpartum Support Charleston celebrates this month with our 20th Annual Moms’ Run 5K and Family Fun Day, but the entire world celebrates it as well!

This is the month I wait for all year – a month where I can scream to the rooftops how important maternal mental health is. A month where I can share EVERYTHING on my social media, hoping to reach just one more new mom that might be struggling. A month where I can bring mental health up in any conversation and be justified because, well, “It is maternal mental health month, after all!”

And to kick off this lovely month, Maternal Mental Health Awareness week is May 1-7, 2023.

You might asking yourself, “What happens during maternal mental health awareness week?” – And I’m here to give you the answer.

Maternal Mental Health Awareness week was started by Perinatal Mental Health Partnership (UK) in 2014 and has some such a long way since then. The Blue Dot Project, an awareness campaign of Postpartum Support International, is also very much an advocate for this important week.

All week long, there will be so many things happening on social media that you can share to RAISE AWARENESS about maternal mental health.

And what happens when we share this kind of stuff? WE END THE STIGMA surrounding mental health.

The Perinatal Mental health Partnership has put together a resource drive to help spread awareness. Check it out – it has some graphics you can share as well as information about who will be speaking on their social media platform throughout the week.

Monday – Starting the conversation about perinatal mental health

Tuesday – Shining the spotlight on support

Wednesday – World Maternal Mental Health Day #StrongerTogether

Thursday – Healthcare professionals hub to support healing

Friday – Perinatal positivity pot

Saturday – Support for all families

Sunday – Recap and reflect

Also, follow the important Instagram profiles for various groups:

Perinatal Mental Health Partnership

The Blue Dot Project

Postpartum Support International

World Maternal Mental Health Day

Spread awareness this week. Whether you are struggling right now, know someone who is struggling, or have struggled in the past personally – this week is one to talk about.

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