When I say the word “podcast”, what comes to mind?
News, politics, science?
And when you think of the typical person who listens to podcast, maybe you see a professional, wearing square glasses and drinking a cup of breakfast tea.
Well, mama, I’m about to change your mind about podcasts, because mothers have podcasts too!
Let’s start with a quick description of what a podcast is. A podcast is a digital audio file series that can be downloaded onto your personal device. This means you can listen anywhere, anytime. Podcasts can offer great information, and can also create a sense of community in the sense that you feel connected to others through this specific topic at hand.
Here’s the biggest question- when am I going to have time to listen to a podcast? I barely have time to take a 2-minute shower! Let’s follow these 3 steps and get you on your way to some great self-care and enter the world of podcasts!
Step 1
Download your favorite podcast app (I love to use “The Podcast App” but even Spotify and Apple have podcasts). Choose whichever you find most user-friendly!
Step 2
Download your favorite podcasts. Here are a few that we love at Postpartum Support Charleston, but there are SO many to explore. I like to browse them at night and go ahead and download some for the next day, so I can just push play when I’m ready!
Step 3
Get ready to listen! Before you pull out of your driveway to run errands, plug in your phone and start playing your podcast! Not driving today? No worries! Grab your headphones and listen while you rock the baby to sleep.
Do you run/walk/exercise? This is the best way to tackle two self-care tasks at once! Gotta clean the kitchen this morning? Sweet! Turn that volume up and listen – it almost feels like you are watching a show (but you are really cleaning – it’s an amazing mind-trick!)
Now that you are supplied with some information about podcasts and what they are, let us know what you think! How do you listen to your favorite videos/podcasts? Do you watch audio videos on Facebook, or maybe Instagram? Maybe you prefer to listen on YouTube? Let us know how you listen, so we can support you!