Back to the Basics: YOUR Needs Matter!
I know you’re familiar with self-care. It’s a hot topic right now, as it should be, and I think it’s an important topic to talk about in regards to maternal mental health. But even more so than self-care, I think we need to bring it back to the basics. Because who has...
Coping with Anxiety: A New Mom’s Guide to Finding Peace in a Chaotic World
Becoming a new mom is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it can also bring a whirlwind of emotions—especially when you add in concerns about the world around you. With news buzzing and uncertainties everywhere, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by anxiety...
Back to Business: 3 Things to Consider When Returning to Work
The process of returning to work after having a baby can be tough. Some moms transition well into having this time to do what they love, while others find it excruciating to leave baby and spend hours each day at work. And some moms feel both ways at the same time. I...
Trusting the Process: 10 Moments for Moms to Reflect On
One word that keeps making its way into my life this week is TRUST. And I’m not 100% sure what I’m supposed to be trusting this week, but I thought it might be a good topic for today’s blog. You might have other words for trust, like faith, hope, intuition or...