The Postpartum Path
Embracing Healing

Welcome to “The Postpartum Path: Embracing Healing” blog, a compassionate and empowering space dedicated to supporting mothers through their postpartum journey. We understand that the postpartum period can be both beautiful and challenging, and our mission is to be a guiding light for mothers seeking healing, understanding, and strength during this transformative phase of life.

The Postpartum Path

Embracing Healing

Welcome to “The Postpartum Path: Embracing Healing” blog, a compassionate and empowering space dedicated to supporting mothers through their postpartum journey. We understand that the postpartum period can be both beautiful and challenging, and our mission is to be a guiding light for mothers seeking healing, understanding, and strength during this transformative phase of life.

To Support and Be Supported

By Stephanie Stauffer, Mom Mentor Hello ladies, I hope this reading finds you exactly where you need it to. I hope to be writing frequently this year to help build our community a little more as we relate to each other. I found Postpartum Support Charleston through my...

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Social Distancing for a Mother who survived Postpartum Depression

Social Distancing for a Mother who survived Postpartum Depression

I’m writing this with tears streaming down my face. I’m writing this feeling weak, defeated, guilty and really angry.

Angry that we are all going through all of this. Guilty because I’m not providing the best level of education and stimulation for my children. Guilty for not loving life right now. Defeated because I am in an emotional spot that I hate – sad, lonely, useless.

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Thankful for our Mom Mentors

Thanksgiving is here. Time to set all of our worries aside and bring to mind everything we are thankful for. 

Easier said than done.

But one thing I can be sure that everyone at Postpartum Support Charleston is thankful for is our Mom Mentors.

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Modern Mamas: Are We Really Connecting?

A Modern Mama is smart. A Modern Mama is fast. A Modern Mama is social.

SMART because we have so much information at the tips of our fingers. 

FAST because we can literally get anything delivered to our house, increasing our multitasking.

SOCIAL because we are constantly connected to someone through our cellphones and social media.

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Getting Well: Part 3 | Talk It Out

…let’s talk about a new mom, specifically one who is suffering from a maternal mental illness? Thoughts can become debilitating and quite frankly too much to handle alone. When you add a newborn to the mix, you immediately worry and concern for an entirely new person. Now, on top of all of the thoughts that were racing before, you have new ones, and sometimes thoughts that you can’t seem to control. This is where talking it out comes into play to help you manage those thoughts.

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Mothers have podcasts, too?

Mothers have podcasts, too?

When I say the word “podcast”, what comes to mind?  

News, politics, science? 

And when you think of the typical person who listens to podcast, maybe you see a professional, wearing square glasses and drinking a cup of breakfast tea. 

Well, mama, I’m about to change your mind about podcasts, because mothers have podcasts too!

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Meeting Mom Friends

Meeting Mom Friends

You’ve probably heard it before

It takes a village to raise a child

You’ve gotta find your community!

Even better, you have THIS image in your head – all of your friends coming over for playdates, sipping on coffee while the kids play together.

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